Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Using Risk Assessment Data

Take a look at this case study and identify the risk assessment criteria addressed.

Take notes on a white board.

Risk assessment criteria

Friday, November 22, 2013

Risk Assessment

Your goal for the first half of the period is to look at http://epa.gov/riskassessment/basicinformation.htm and summarize the first 10 questions.  Information you should include on a one - two sentence summary of the sections.  Write your summaries in your notebook.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chemicals and Risk Assessment

Develop three claims about chemicals in the environment around us. Go to the Chapter in the Habitable Planet that deals with Exposure and Risk Appoint a secretary, and go through each section as a TABLE. Turn in your completed results.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Personal Assessment, Individual Take Home Test (due Friday)--today is your only class workday

Use these links as your sources of information



I.  Make four claims about climate change.   Support them with evidence  from the handouts, and explain your rationale as to whether the claims are correct or in correct.  Each of these should be about a paragraph in length.

II.  We've talked about sustainability and the five-part structure for evaluating sustainability.  Examine each of the steps, starting with Extraction, and explain how each one impacts climate change and HOW you think we can minimize climate change in this step.  Be specific.  Each step should be a paragraph in length.

III.  Over the last week, you have had a chance to recycle items for a holiday drive for the needy.  Indicate the following opinions in at least a sentence or two that is more than just YES or NO.  That means this will be one to three paragraphs.

  1. If you chose to brings something in or not.
  2. Why you made the choice in #1 (it's not a problem if you didn't bring something in, but tell me if you had already recycled, it wasn't your problem, you don't like giving up stuff, you didn't have time, etc.)
  3. If a landfill is a potential tragedy of the commons
  4. Three or more types of materials in Iowa that  you think consumers should be required to recycle?
  5. If you believe recycled items are your first choice to look at when you go shopping.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sustainability and Upcycling/Reuse

Define sustainability in terms of  economy, environmental impact and social impact.

Complete this handout

Pro or Con. (Groups of 2)

USAgain and Goodwill are two big recyclers of clothing in America.  Take the time to find out the Pros and Cons of Each.

List at least 4 sources from different places, including a Goodwill link and a USAgain link.

Based on the work you have done, decide if one is better than another, or if both are part of the picture.

Hand in:

1.  a source list
2. the pro and con list
3. a 2--4 slide powerpoint that lists a claim about one's superiority or the equal value of both, evidence to support your position, and your reasoning.  Share this with me.

Friday, November 15, 2013

What is your philosophy about stuff?

He who dies with the most toys wins.
When I die, I want everything I have to fit in a shoebox.
I buy the newest of everything.
I go through my closet every three months.
I refuse to buy a non-food item that I won't use at least a dozen times.
I recycle.
I compost.
I carry a reusable cup.
I'm too lazy to recycle.
My stuff is important to me.
Sounded good at the time, now I don't want it.
I return a lot of things to get my money back.

Finally, this


If you had to narrow it down to five things, which would you choose?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Student Data

Sharing videos from  The Story of Stuff (the icons below are mirrored from this site)
Story of Change

Story of Solutions

Story of Bottled Water

Story of Cosmetics..

Story of Electronics

Story of Change

Story of Broke

Disposal Across the World

Friday, November 8, 2013

Atmosphere Case Study

You will have all day to work on this Case Study   Make sure you complete the Planning Review Sheet. and through Meeting 3.  If you get to the Peer Review, great.  If not, we'll pick up there on Monday.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Biogeochemical Cycles and the Atmosphere

Step 1. Contrast the nitrogen, the carbon, the water, and the sulfur or phosphate cycles (divide whiteboard into 4 parts)  Document with a picture and send to me.

Use a shared document to Group Notate Chapter 2, the Atmosphere

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am ill today.  Boooo.

Let's refine your solutions in light of the Millenium Development Goals

Millenium Development Goals

Do your short term and long-term goals from yesterday address these questions?   Why or why not?  Look at your presentations and write an individual 2 -4 paragraph summary of your understanding of the Millenium Development Goals.


We do an online simulation lab for the rest of today, found here:

You will notice to the left that it says Lessons, and then The Virgin Field.    These are step-by-step directions.  Download the data table at the bottom of the page, please, and complete.   Keep a running list of questions you have and we will discuss tomorrow.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Solution Design

  1. Choose either the country that has an expansive population pyramid or the constrictive population pyramid.  Find out more about your country by looking at the CIA FactbookUNESCO, and the World Food Programme
  2. Decide what you would do to move this country towards a sustainable population.  This could be tax incentives, water treatment, medical treatment, world food programs, birth control, education, or something else.  Remember, people in general are not stupid, but you have more education, right now, than a large proportion of the world.  How can you make their lives better while still honoring their culture and religious traditions?
  3. Set three short-term goals for the next five years and three long-term goals for the next 10 years.   Explain how each one of them will help you meet your objective.
Put all your materials together, with highlighting or explanation as appropriate, and be ready to hand in tomorrow.

Points:  Creativity of solution (10), Connections to biomes (5), Honoring of culture and traditions (5),  quality of goals in helping stabilize the population pyramid (10)