Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is in the Air, and the Gardens are coming

To start with, you'll need to head over to PlanGarden and get an account. You and another person need to create a MEDIUM size or larger garden with a diversity that includes at least 15 species of vegetables and 5 types of herbs. You must effectively utilize the space in your garden, but also remember that aesthetics is a value that is appreciated in the environment.

CHOOSE TO SHARE YOUR GARDEN. Only 2 people per project.

Dimensions of the garden: 60 x 80 You must plant at least one 60 foot row of each and make a digital or scaled drawing.

Make a table of the species you are planting:

Species | Plant Spacing | Seeds or Plants?| # of Plants | Days to Harvest

Now, layout your garden. Use companion species as needed or desired.


At this point, you need to see Mrs. Powell.

onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/bulletins/images/b-1300-2.jpg">

*Crops impacted

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