Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons with Your Own Population Plan

Today, you will pick a partner and you will work together. You need to pick a country from North America, South America, Africa, and Asia.

Write your country names on the board under your groups. Once you pick a country, no one else can have it. NO ONE MAY PICK THE US, INDIA, OR CHINA.

Enter the basic data you find at the Information Please Almanac or the CIA Factbook at this shared data sheet

Eight pillars for population stability (from your book)

  • family planning
  • health care
  • national population rules
  • improve the lives of women
  • educate the population
  • help men become better parents and should responsibility for birth control
  • stop consuming so many resources

Now, using the data gathered yesterday and the eight pillars of controlling population, think about the four countries you have. These four countries will need to have the same decisions made for each of them, and they may need to transfer resources or people from one country to another.

How will you:

  1. make certain that there is access to clean water
  2. everyone gets fed adequately
  3. there are enough workers to take care of the old
  4. there are enough workers that are skilled in the jobs available in society
  5. raise the longevity expectation
  6. lower the infant mortality
  7. make sure people are motivated to work
  8. keep political stability
  9. allow the resources to be used
  10. keep the religious groups and community values intact
  11. the populations of the four regions stay stable
You must create at least 3 artifacts and a presentation for others in the class.  This is due tomorrow at the end of class.   (artifacts include diagrams, a list of legislative rules, color-coded charts, etc.)

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